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The Barefoot Transition Online Hoofcare Course

  • 365 Days
  • 46 Steps


With an overwhelming number of horses being transitioned to barefoot worldwide, including high-level performance horses, one may begin to wonder how this occurs successfully and if their own horse may be able to do it too. Or perhaps one has tried to transition their horse to barefoot but failed and perhaps they may want to understand why this occurred. But often owners are not provided with the correct information to assist with a successful transition, and they may not understand certain aspects of the process or how to deal with them appropriately, potentially leading to failure. Utilizing almost two decades of knowledge gained by transitioning hundreds of shod horses to barefoot - the bulk of which have been Thoroughbreds, barefoot hoofcare practitioner and equine body worker Christine Pinna will guide you through this topic and hopefully leave you with the tools to make a success of it.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



R 300.00


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